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 Vtuning ->> Vopsea cromata

In jos 
Level 1
Level 1

Numarul mesajelor : 41
Varsta : 30
Localizare : BUCURESTI
Distractii : WeeD SmokeR
Data Inscrierii : 21/08/2009

Vtuning ->> Vopsea cromata Empty
MesajSubiect: Vtuning ->> Vopsea cromata   Vtuning ->> Vopsea cromata Icon_minitimeVin Aug 21 2009, 05:07

Vtuning ->> Vopsea cromata Chromepaint1 Grab your dark coloured
Vtuning ->> Vopsea cromata Chromepaint2 Create a new layer, by
pressing Ctrl+Shift+N, and fill it with the colour white!
Vtuning ->> Vopsea cromata Chromepaint3 Go to the layers box and
select overlay on the layer properties menu.

Vtuning ->> Vopsea cromata Chromepaint4
The car with re-appear..
but now as a chrome colour!!! =D

You now need to delete
the areas that you don't want to be chrome. You do this with the use of the
lasso tool (L) and the delete key.
Vtuning ->> Vopsea cromata Chromepaint5 Tada!
Don't forget to merge
the layers if you want to! You can do this with the use of Ctrl+Shift+E key
Vtuning ->> Vopsea cromata Chromepaint6 ........But before you
merge the layers.. you could use the eraser tool (found by hitting the E
button) and create some crazy patterns by rubbing out the bits you don't
want.... The options are endless!

To do stripes or boxes even.. you can follow
the steps in the box above. Using the lasso tool you can easily select and
delete areas.

Chrome bonnets instead
of carbon fibre? Your choice! Try it yourself.
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Vtuning ->> Vopsea cromata
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