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 Vtuning ->> Schimbare fundal

In jos 
Level 1
Level 1

Numarul mesajelor : 41
Varsta : 30
Localizare : BUCURESTI
Distractii : WeeD SmokeR
Data Inscrierii : 21/08/2009

Vtuning ->> Schimbare fundal Empty
MesajSubiect: Vtuning ->> Schimbare fundal   Vtuning ->> Schimbare fundal Icon_minitimeVin Aug 21 2009, 04:54

Vtuning ->> Schimbare fundal Convertible5
We want to add a backdrop
to this convertible.

Vtuning ->> Schimbare fundal Convertible6 Get a new background backdrop.. such as a
field, or a sky.. (try searching on "Google image search" for "landscape" or
"backdrop" etc. and then paste it over the top half of the picture.
Vtuning ->> Schimbare fundal Convertible7 Adjust the opacity of the new layer (using the
layer box in bottom right) to around 50% so you can see through to the

Vtuning ->> Schimbare fundal Convertible8
Right, now delete the areas where you wouldn't
see the background (hashed out on image).
Vtuning ->> Schimbare fundal Convertible9 Almost complete now.. change the opacity back
to 100. As you see, the area
around the window looks strange. This is due to the fact that the window
changes the colour of the background..
Vtuning ->> Schimbare fundal Convertible10 So, use the lasso tool, and select the areas
as shown.

Vtuning ->> Schimbare fundal Convertible11
Then go to image>adjust>brightness/contrast
and adjust the sliders until the image looks correct behind the window. and
your done! In this case, I lowered the contrast and increased the

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Vtuning ->> Schimbare fundal
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