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 Cum sa creezi un vortex

In jos 
Level 1
Level 1

Numarul mesajelor : 41
Varsta : 30
Localizare : BUCURESTI
Distractii : WeeD SmokeR
Data Inscrierii : 21/08/2009

Cum sa creezi un vortex Empty
MesajSubiect: Cum sa creezi un vortex   Cum sa creezi un vortex Icon_minitimeVin Aug 21 2009, 04:47

Cum sa creezi un vortex Photoshop-rays-spiral-galaxy

[1] Take a new file of 400 pixels,400 pixels, of resolution
72 dpi in the RGB mode.

Cum sa creezi un vortex Vortex1

[2] Create a new Layer and fill it with black color

[3] Go to Filter>Render>Clouds.

Cum sa creezi un vortex Vortex3

Cum sa creezi un vortex Photoshop-rays-spiral-galaxy

[4] Go to Filter>Pixelate>Mezzotint
apply the following
the settings.

Cum sa creezi un vortex Vortex5

[5] Go to Filter>Blur>Radial Blur and apply the following
the settings.

Cum sa creezi un vortex Vortex6

[6] Press Cntl+F, so far your design will look like this.

Cum sa creezi un vortex Vortex7

Cum sa creezi un vortex Photoshop-rays-spiral-galaxy

[7] Make the copy of layer1.

Cum sa creezi un vortex Vortex8

[8] On the duplicate layer, Filter>Distort>Twirl

the following settings.

Cum sa creezi un vortex Vortex9

[9] Your image will look like this.

Cum sa creezi un vortex Vortex10

[10] And now change the Blending mode layer1 copy "Lighten".

Cum sa creezi un vortex Vortex12

[11] Your image will look like this.

Cum sa creezi un vortex Vortex13

[12] Cntl+E for to merge the 2 layers,

it should look like this.

Cum sa creezi un vortex Vortex14

[13] Lets add some color, click Image Adjustments, Hue/Saturation

apply the following setting.

Cum sa creezi un vortex Vortex15

[14] Now your image will look like this.

Cum sa creezi un vortex Vortex16

[15] Make the copy of layer 1 and change the

blending mode option
"Overlay" as shown fig.

Cum sa creezi un vortex Vortex19

[16] You are done! This is what your pic should look this.

Cum sa creezi un vortex Photoshop-rays-spiral-galaxy
Sus In jos
Cum sa creezi un vortex
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